To have and to hold

From this day forward. For better or for worse. Till death do us part

6 min readOct 5, 2024

Jumeirah Hotel, Bali

The wedding ceremony of Christopher and Caroline had ended just an hour ago. Now everyone was in their rooms, preparing for the reception dinner by the pool with the breathtaking Indian Ocean as the backdrop views — one of the main reasons why they chose this place was the nighttime views — enough privacy, but with the best views and sound of the seashore down below.

I made my way to the reception area alone after quickly changing my clothes, my footsteps echoing softly on the stone floor. As I entered, the atmosphere buzzed with a symphony of conversations and laughter from familiar faces that were there already. We greeted each other, and I saw the groom and the bride making their way to the reception area, their smiles warm and inviting while they exchanged stories with their friends, who had also become my friends over time. I felt a sense of belonging and nostalgia as I moved through the crowd, sharing hugs and laughter with them.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Raline coming up from the pool area in her silver shinny dress, catching the soft glow of the underwater lights. Her eyes met mine for a brief moment before she looked away to the other side of the reception area, where she found Alba and some of our friends.

Tables were arranged, draped in white linens, and adorned with centerpieces of tropical flowers — orchids, hibiscus, and plumeria. Fairy lights were strung above, creating a canopy of twinkling lights that added to the romantic atmosphere. The gentle sound of waves mingled with the soft notes of a live band playing in the background just around Segaran, setting the perfect mood for the evening.

Floating candles drifted gracefully on the surface of the pool, their flames flickering like tiny beacons of hope as the dinner started. The Indian Ocean stretched endlessly beyond, its waves whispering under the silvery moonlight. The stars above twinkled as their reflections danced on the water’s surface, creating an ethereal tapestry of light and shadow.

Guests began arriving with their sparkling and shiny clothes, reflecting the joy and celebration under the fairy lights as the groom and bride requested.

Everyone took their seats as the master of ceremonies stepped up to the microphone with his warm and enthusiastic voice. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here tonight to celebrate the union of Christopher and Caroline…” — the reception dinner was started soon after and followed by the speech. It was my time to stand up from the table.

“I’ve known you my whole life, Chris. I’ve watched you grow from a boy full of dreams into the remarkable man standing here today. You’ve always been more than just a cousin to me — you’ve been a brother, a friend, and my biggest supporter. I remember how we would race our bikes down the old dirt road, and even though you always beat me, those moments were some of the happiest of my life.”

Everyone chuckled, their eyes reflecting the warmth of our shared memories. Most people knew us well as they have been part of our lives since we were little.

“You’ve always had this incredible spirit that pushed you to excel in everything you did. Whether it was racing bikes, or climbing trees, you were always first. And now, you’ve beaten me again, but this time to the altar. But I couldn’t be happier, because I know you’ve found the one who complements you in every way.”

I paused and took a deep breath before continuing. The room was silent, everyone hanging on to my every word. Christopher’s eyes were shining with emotion, reflecting the bond we shared. Caroline had a soft, joyful smile on her face, and her love for him was clear at every glance.

Both of them had teary eyes, their emotions mirroring the depth of their commitment to each other. Chris, who usually loves to play around and rarely gets serious, now looked composed yet overwhelmed with happiness and love. His eyes were glassy, and he blinked rapidly, trying to keep the tears at bay. Caroline gently squeezed his hand as they met each other’s eyes.

I hadn’t planned to say so much, but the words flowed naturally, and the script I had prepared no longer mattered.

“I’ve never seen you as happy as you are with Caroline — even when you got your favorite car when you were in high school — you were never this happy. She brought out the best in you; I can see that same light in her eyes whenever she looks at you. You both radiate a love that’s pure and enduring, and it’s a privilege to witness it throughout the years you two spent together.”

I saw faces lit with warmth and affection everywhere I looked, friends and family united by the joyous occasion. Some were dabbing at their eyes with tissues, while others simply watched with expressions of tender pride.

The room, set against the breathtaking backdrop of Jumeirah Bali, offered a stunning view of the ocean from the cliff. The gentle sound of waves crashing below and the golden hues of the setting sun bathed everything in a magical glow.

“Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and countless more adventures. To my brother Christopher and his beautiful bride Caroline, may your days be filled with joy, your challenges met with strength, and your hearts always intertwined. Cheers to your happily ever after.” As I finished my speech, the room erupted in applause and cheers, glasses raised high.

A chorus of “Cheers!” echoed around the pool as glasses were raised and clinked together, harmonizing with the gentle lapping of the ocean waves. Christopher and Caroline exchanged a look of deep love and gratitude, their eyes locking in a moment of pure connection. The beauty of the setting, coupled with the love and joy in the room, made this an unforgettable celebration.

I walked towards the edge of the pool to take a few moments away from the crowd, where the ocean’s view and sound were much clearer. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore was soothing. I took a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze on my skin, and allowed myself to be fully present in the moment. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Chris and Caroline, his face beaming with happiness. He pulled me into a tight hug, his joy palpable.

“What a speech,” he said, his voice filled with genuine emotion. “It means the world to us.”

Caroline, beside him, nodded in agreement, her smile radiant. “Thank you for coming,” she said softly.

“Wouldn’t miss it for anything,” I replied, my heart swelling with affection for the newlywed.

“I’m gonna get going,” Caroline stepped away from the two of us as she saw guests were looking for her.

After a few moments of silence, Chris asked, “How are things with you and Raline?”

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. “Complicated,” I admitted. “We haven’t really talked since she got here. There’s this…distance between us that I don’t know how to cross.”

Chris nodded, his expression thoughtful. “Have you tried to talk?”

I shook my head, “It’s just… it’s hard to figure out what she wants lately. We barely get our alone time.”

Chris nodded sagely. “Relationships are complicated, man, but you’ve got to talk to her,” he urged, giving me a gentle push as soon as he noticed Raline approaching us. “Don’t waste this moment,” he added with a reassuring pat on my shoulder as he stepped away, leaving me to gather my thoughts before Raline reached us.

